American Society of Media Photographers South Florida


New South Florida Find a Photographer Website

We are now ready to launch and promote our new South Florida search engine, our new Find a Photographer.

Please take a look at our new website

And spread the word about our dedicated engine, covering ASMP South Florida Chapter members in good standing.

We are getting ready to make large scale local, regional and national promotions for this website, as part of the revamped marketing plan strategy we are setting up to bring more business to our members.

We will keep using our slogan, " We live here, we shoot here, find us here", as part of the promotional efforts we are pursuing.

Stay tuned for more info, as we will soon be unveiling a new totally rebuilt website for our South Florida Chapter, and also a new website, fully dedicated to the " Light of Florida" Project.

Our very special thanks to our Board members Paul Morris, Joe Wolf and David Ramos for their commitment to make this new websites a reality. Great job guys!

Best wishes to all

Jorge Parra